Despite Buckinghamshire Council’s Strategic Sites Committee granting planning permission for Pinewood Studios to upgrade Sevenhills Road back in September 2020, there are still no plans for this work to take place. The proposed scheme received significant support from local councillors and residents - due to the potential benefits of it significantly improving traffic flows in the area - which undoubtedly helped sway the planning decision in its favour.
As at January 2023, the following statement is on the Q&A section of one of Pinewood Studios' websites:
"As with the Screen Hub UK planning permission, we expect a condition that requires the submission of a highway phasing scheme to ensure that the scale and pace of development is matched by the highway improvements and that they are available before the new uses commence. The Seven Hills Road scheme cannot be viably implemented in advance of the scheme(s) starting on site. The same provisions as were agreed with Buckinghamshire Council for Screen Hub UK will be repeated. Precise timing will be determined when the phasing of the development is known and design details (reserved matters) are submitted for approval."
It appears that investment into Five Points Roundabout is being prioritised over this project.