• Benefits of membership

    Why you should get involved

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    There are real benefits to being a member of the Iver Heath Residents' Association, and all for an annual household membership fee of just £5...

    • We keep you up to date: regular bulletins providing up-to-date news on latest local developments, projects and IHRA activities
    • We campaign on your behalf on issues such as improving air quality in the village; restoring important services; rejection of inappropriate major construction development planning applications and a fair deal on large infrastructure projects
    • Support great initiatives: the work of the IHRA and its members has already helped to install the first life-saving defibrillator in Iver Heath; fund air quality monitoring in our village; collect hundreds of bags of litter from our streets and verges and provide support for local charities.
    • Support your village: the more members we have, the stronger our voice in affecting the future of Iver Heath.

    Download a membership application form below...