Useful information
Useful websites
Links to more information on key issues and infrastructure projects
(Links open in a new window so you won't lose your place on this page)
The Ivers Parish Council (IPC)
Chiltern & South Bucks Planning Application Search
Buckinghamshire Council (BC)
Iver Village Residents Association
Local news, links and useful information
Richings Park and Thorney Residents Association
Updates on projects in the area; useful contacts and more. Join or register as a guest on the site to get additional access
Colne Valley Regional Park
All about Colne Valley Regional Park, including the visitor centre, events and how to get involved
Carers Bucks
An independent charity established in 2004 to support the wellbeing of unpaid carers in Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire Lottery
You can now support IHRA projects by entrering this weekly lottery
Sale of Green Belt by Bucks Council in Ivers Parish (Round Coppice Est. and Manfield Farm)
Background and how to object to the Secretary of State
The Ivers Neighbourhood Plan
Documents relating to the Ivers Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan
The Buckinghamshire Local Plan
Updates on Buckinghamshire Council's emerging Local Plan for the county
Welcome Break Colne Valley Services Proposal
Dedicated site to the WB proposal
Pinewood Studios' Communications
News on planning proposals and local projects from Pinewood Studios
Heathrow Consultation
Heathrow expansion public consultation
HS2 Depot at Langley
Summary of the proposed Heathrow Express Depot available from Slough Borough Council
CROSS RAIL station improvements
Information about the various station works (Iver and others)
Western Rail Link to Heathrow
Network Rail's document outlining the plans for and benefits of a direct rail link from the west to Heathrow
M4 Smart Motorway
Highways England's summary of plans for M4 junctions 3-12 smart motorway
Useful documents
Key downloads
Map of Proposed Commercial Developments in Iver Heath (February 2025)
Proposed commericla developments including data centres, Pinewood Studios Expansion, MSA, Five Points Roundabout remodelling etc.
IHRA S14 Representation for the Ivers Neighbourhood Plan (July 2021)
IHRA's comments on the Draft Ivers Neighbourhood Plan as part of the official Regulation 14 Consultation Phase.
Co-op Parking Survey (Spring 2021)
Map of area around the Co-op identifying potential parking spaces issued as part of the survey
Summary of parking survey and recommendations
IHRA 'Members' Opinion Survey Report (January 2021)
Results from IHRA's member opinion survey on Pinewood Studios proposed Screen Hub and Visitor attraction and Welcome Break's M25 motorway services area proposals.
IHRA 'Air Quality Report' (December 2024)
Results of IHRA's air quality monitoring programme in Iver Heath between August 2017 and December 2024
IHRA Drop-In Event (November 2019)
Display board information from IHRA Drop-In Event on ( November and the Iver Heath Bowls Club:
- Air Pollution Monitoring
- Fly Tipping
- IHRA Projects and Membership
- Local and Village Plans
IHRA 'A Plan for Iver Heath' (June 2019)
Summary of IHRA survey results based on residents' views on the priorities for Iver Heath
IHRA AGM (October 2023)
Minutes from the IHRA AGM held at the Iver Heath Village Hall on 14th October 2023
Slides from the 2023 AGM
IHRA AGM (October 2021)
Minutes from the IHRA AGM held at the Iver Heath Village Hall on 9th October 2021
IHRA AGM (May 2019)
Minutes from the IHRA AGM held at the Iver Heath Village Hall on 11th May 2019
Slides from the 2019 AGM
IHRA Public Meeting (October 2018)
Slides from IHRA Public Meeting held at the Crooked Billet on 24th October 2018
IHRA AGM (April 2018)
Minutes of the IHRA AGM held at Iver Heath Village Hall in April 2018
IHRA Public Meeting (November 2017)
Minutes of the IHRA Public Meeting held at the Crooked Billet in November 2017
IHRA AGM (April 2017)
Minutes of the IHRA AGM held at Iver Heath Village Hall in April 2017
IHRA Public Meeting (October 2016)
Minutes of the IHRA Public Meeting held at Iver Heath Village Hall in October 2016
IHRA AGM (May 2016)
Minutes of the Residents' Association AGM held at Iver Heath Village Hall in May 2016
Iver Heath Residents' Association © 2017
Images by Paul Upward Photography, reproduced with permission of Leigh Tugwood t/a A+ Studio